This Easy Strawberry Rhubarb Jam with gelatin ("Jello") can be canned or frozen to store.
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It is an old-fashioned rhubarb jam recipe that is a delight to make ... and to eat!
A great topping idea for toast, bagels, muffins, scones, pancakes, ice cream, and more!
So delicious!
15 cups fresh rhubarb, chopped into 1" - 1 1/2" pieces
5 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 pkge. (6 oz.) Strawberry flavoured gelatin (example: "Jello")
In a large size pan, boil the rhubarb and the sugar for 20 minutes, stirring often to avoid sticking and burning
Remove mixture from heat, and stir in the gelatin powder, mixing thoroughly until totally combined.
Pour the jam into hot sterilized jars or containers.
Process the jam in a Boiling Water Bath, or, freeze in containers after jam has been allowed to cool.
Store opened rhubarb jam or in the refrigerator.
Here below are canning supplies which are available for online purchase at *
Click on the images for more detailed product information and customer reviews.
Did You Know?
Did you know that the leaves of the rhubarb plant were poisonous?
When harvesting your rhubarb, it is important to discard the leaves, and not to feed them to animals.
Some animals such as goats and pigs, have been poisoned by ingesting these leaves.
GO to Rhubarb Leaves
A natural pesticide recipe using rhubarb leaves can be made at home. This organic pesticide recipe involves boiling rhubarb leaves and water and adding a tiny bit of dish detergent or soap flakes.
Using a spray bottle, spray on leaves to kill off bugs such as aphids and spider mites, June bugs, and fungus diseases.
GO to Organic Pesticide Recipes
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