This collection (scroll down), of Low Fat Rhubarb Recipes proves that "heart-healthy" eating is not only better for your health, but just as tasty too!
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*FTC Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying
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Including rhubarb in your low fat diet is a very good choice, because, not only do recipes with rhubarb taste good, but, rhubarb is nutritious too!
Remember rhubarb is a vegetable!
Are you trying to maintain a diet "Trimming the Fat"?
Here are some additional tips to help "trim the fat" in your diet, to help keep it as low fat or fat free as possible:
These are just basic, easy to implement ides, keeping in mind that every little bit counts!
Rhubarb Mixed Fruit COMPOTE/SAUCE
Rhubarb Topping for CHICKEN DINNER
Throughout the pages of this website,, I have included rhubarb recipes which most likely would fall under the category of: Low Fat, Fat Free, and Light.
Only those recipes which are specifically created with a low fat diet in mind, are indexed above.
Be sure to use the navigation bars at the left-hand column (or scroll down for mobile view) for other recipe ideas with rhubarb that are also considered low-fat or choices which can be easily altered for a heart healthy diet!
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