There are many different Rhubarb Varieties or cultivars available for the home gardener.
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What variety of rhubarb should you buy?
One of the most marked difference between cultivars is the stalk colour which can range from red to green. Pink varieties and speckled varieties are also available.
Most gardeners prefer the deep red petiole, but these rhubarb plants are often less productive than the greener varieties.
Consumers often assume that the redder stem varieties are sweeter than the greener stalk varieties, however there is little, if any correlation between colour and sweetness.
Some varieties of rhubarb will thrive better in certain geographical locations. Garden centers will usually sell rhubarb varieties that are best suited to the climate conditions of the local area.
Many visitors to ask me which of the different varieties of rhubarb we grow.
Here is a picture of our rhubarb garden.
We grow mostly Victoria and some Canada Red and German Wine Rhubarb.
There are also amazing options for growing rhubarb as a landscape plant.
The unique and large leaves of the rhubarb plant make it an interesting choice for landscape design.
Looking for Information about Ornamental Rhubarb?
Check out the pictures and information about adding this plant to your landscape.
Canada Red - popular in Canada, produces juicy stalks that are cherry-red clear through-out, keeps its colour when cooked, sweet, tender stalks.
Crimson Cherry - (Early Cherry) - red stalks inside and outside, thrives in cool locations and full sun but requires some shade in warmer climates, vigorous grower.
German Wine - thrives in sunny locations, one of the sweetest varieties of rhubarb.
Macdonald - (Macdonald's Canadian Red, Macdonald Crimson) - widely available variety, stalks are large, bright red, vigorous grower, wilt and root rot resistant.
Raspberry Red - prefers full sun, average growth rate, scarlet, thick leaf stalks, hardy plant, sweet taste.
Riverside Giant - cold hardy, vigorous producer, thick, long, green stalks.
Sunrise - thick stalks, high quality stalks, good variety for forced growing.
Valentine - long, thick, deep red stalks, retains colour when cooked, vigorous grower.
Victoria - thrives in cool locations and full sun and warmer climates, largest and most productive variety, thick, crimson stalks with a bit of green on the inside, popular variety for forced growing.
Here, below are rhubarb plants available for online purchase at *
Click on the images for more detailed product information and be sure to check the customer product reviews.
See Also: Rhubarb Seeds Information and Purchase
Don't confuse rhubarb with "wild rhubarb"!
Wild Rhubarb, also known as Common burdock is not to be confused with edible, garden varieties of rhubarb.
Although Common burdock at first appearance looks similar to rhubarb, it is a actually a weed, and originates from a different "plant family" than rhubarb.
Use the links below, or use the navigation bars on the left hand column, are links to other helpful pages about growing rhubarb.
CONTAINER GARDENING - Can Rhubarb be Grown in Containers/Pots?
TOP of Rhubarb Varieties
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