Do you Want to Grow Organic Rhubarb?
Looking to buy Organic Rhubarb Root Stock?
By farming organically, you can be assured that your rhubarb is free of chemical pesticides and conventional fertilizers.
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*FTC Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying
purchases with no extra cost to you
Growing organic rhubarb and other vegetables requires you to adapt your gardening methods to be "organic" in nature.
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that includes gardening free of chemical pesticides and conventional fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones.
Organic gardening is more than that though, it is a holistic system with a goal of developing enterprises that are sustainable and harmonious with the environment.
Some characteristics of organic farming are: it promotes the use of crop rotations, ensures nutrients produced on the farm are recycled back to the soil, uses composted manure to maintain soil organic matter and fertility, uses preventative pest and disease control methods, and uses only organically approved pesticides, and more.
Organic farming also emphasizes careful processing, and handling methods in order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the food production at all stages.
In most cases, prohibited products and practices must not be used on certified organic farms for at least three years prior to harvesting certified organic products.
★ If you are interested in making homemade natural pesticides which are included on another page on this website,,
Organic farming is a viable option for almost any crop, including rhubarb.
Home gardeners may want to grow their vegetables organically for different reasons.
Many gardeners want to grow food that is free of chemical pesticides, grown without conventional fertilizers, and free of genetically engineered organisms.
Some people believe that the flavour of organic food surpasses that of non-organic food. Other hobby enthusiasts grow their food organically out of concern for the environment.
Many visitors to this website ask where they can purchase organic rhubarb crowns/root stock.
That information is now available on this page, with more addresses being added as they become available to me.
If you live in United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia or another country and your business sells one or more varieties of organic rhubarb, please contact me via the "contact me" form (see bottom of left hand navigation column), and I will be happy to add your information to this listing.
United States
High Altitude Organic Farm and Nursery, Black Forest, Colorado
Great Britain
If you cannot find organic rhubarb plant stock where you live, you may wish to order it on-line at *
I have also included links (below) to organic rhubarb seeds.
Click on the images below for more detailed product information.
These products indicate they are "organic heirloom". Be sure to verify that they are what you are looking to purchase before ordering, and check the customer product reviews.
If you are new to organic farming or you wish to learn more about this approach to gardening, here follow book titles which you may find of interest, available for online purchase at *
Click on the images for additional product information and customer reviews.
Use the navigation buttons at left, (or the links below for mobile view) for all you need to know to grow rhubarb successfully.
(Dividing/Propagating Plants)
CONTAINER GARDENING - Can Rhubarb be Grown in Containers/Pots?
WHERE - in Which Climate Can you Grow Rhubarb?
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