Are you Planting Rhubarb Seeds this Spring?
Growing rhubarb from seed is not the preferred way to grow rhubarb, especially in more Northerly climates.
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It is better to purchase rhubarb plants, (root stock/crowns), or ask a friend or a neighbour to share some plants with you when they divide their rhubarb plants.
If you do decide to plant seeds, here is all the information you need to grow rhubarb from seed.
Although it is recommended, and more successful, to grow rhubarb from crown and rootstock, it is possible to grow rhubarb plants from seeds.
Rhubarb grown from seed will take a year or two longer to produce stalks than rhubarb plantings from one year old "crowns" that have been divided from healthy plants.
Scroll down this page for the option of purchasing seeds to start a rhubarb patch.
If you are starting rhubarb plant from seed, get started indoors.
Soak the seeds for a few hours between wet paper towel, and then plant the seeds in good quality, sterile potting soil.
Ordinary garden soil should not be used as it may be harbouring fungus, bacteria or other things that would hamper the growth of the seeds.
Plant the seeds about 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the soil surface.
Plant 2 to 3 seeds per divided section or per pot.
The seedlings will take about 2 - 3 weeks to germinate.
When the plants are about 4 - 6 weeks old, (and about 3 - 4" tall), begin to "harden off" the plants for about a week before planting them outdoors in the garden.
"Hardening off" the plants means that you will slowly get them used to being outdoors.
To slowly harden plants to the outdoors, place them in a protected area outside during the day, and back inside at night.
Begin with a couple of hours outside and gradually increase this time throughout the week.
Do not bring the plants outdoors during extreme weather conditions of wind, rain, etc., and do be sure to protect them from constant, direct sunlight.
Ideally the temperatures at this stage will be about 50° - 55° F during the night, and 70° - 75° F during the daytime.
When the plants are ready to be planted in your garden, plant the plants just below the surface of the soil.
The plants should be spaced about 36 - 48 inches apart, and leave about 72 inches between rows if you are planting more than one row of rhubarb.
Note - It is NOT recommended to sow seeds directly into your garden, unless you live in a Southern Climate Zone.
If you live in a Southern Climate and are planting the seeds directly into the rhubarb garden,
Plant the seeds every 3 to 4 inches.
When the seedlings reach a height of 3 to 4 inches, thin the plants out to a spacing of about 36 inches between plants.
If desired, you can purchase rhubarb seeds online from * and, in most cases, have them delivered right to your door! ... It doesn't get much easier than that! ;)
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Here are links to additional pages with helpful information about growing rhubarb in the home garden:
CONTAINER GARDENING - Can Rhubarb be Grown in Containers/Pots?
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