Are you thinking of Growing Rhubarb?
Or, do you already grow this amazing vegetable?
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Here are directions pointing you to all you need to know about rhubarb gardening and how to grow rhubarb successfully.
Topics covered are rhubarb planting, transplanting, propagating and dividing plants, forcing plants, plant care, harvesting rhubarb, and information regarding the many varieties of rhubarb.
Also included is helpful information and advice in identifying rhubarb pests and diseases. Rhubarb garden companions, seeds, flowers, and rhubarb leaves are all covered in detail.
Perhaps you are interested in growing this plant for ornamental purposes and garden landscape designs. You will find pictures and advice here.
Check out the links below, or the navigation bars at this website for everything about growing rhubarb ... you will find pages about how to plant rhubarb, transplant, water, fertilize, harvest it and how to detect pests and diseases of rhubarb and lots more!
Have a look at the pictures of my rhubarb garden ! We have grown rhubarb for over 25 years, and I really can't think of an easier vegetable to grow ... and one that gives such a large harvest two to three times a season!
Rhubarb is so easy to grow, even the most inexperienced gardeners can very successfully grow this plant.
Rhubarb is a perennial garden vegetable, (it comes up without seeding year after year!), which is cultivated for its delicious, pink stems.
It is very hardy, frost resistant and appears in the garden in early spring.
Rhubarb grows well in almost any garden, in fertile, well drained soil.
Rhubarb is quite tolerant of soil acidity. It does best in slightly to moderately acid soil. Rhubarb can tolerate soil pH as low as 5.0, but grows best when the pH is between 6.0 to 6.8.
Rhubarb prefers a sunny location but usually also grows well in a partially shaded area.
What are the climate conditions required to grow rhubarb?
Where is the best geographical location where to grow rhubarb?
Can you grow this plant in any part of the world?
Since rhubarb is a perennial plant (it comes up each Spring without seeding) the plant requires cool temperatures for dormancy, and moderate spring and summer temperatures for stimulating vigorous growth.
Rhubarb cannot be grown successfully in climates of the far South.
Ideal temperatures for growing rhubarb successfully are below 40 ° F, (5 ° C), in winter, and temperatures averaging less than 75 ° F (24 ° C) in the spring and summer months.
Although it is possible to grow rhubarb from seed, it is far more successful when grown from crowns and root stock.
It is also possible to "force rhubarb" indoors or outdoors to produce a harvest out of season. Tender rhubarb stalks can be "forced" during the late winter and early spring.
Many people contact me with the question of whether or not you can grow this plant in a container. Although some people do successfully garden rhubarb this way, it is not a recommended method.
Rhubarb can be harvested about three times a season providing plenty of nutritious goodness.
The first harvest comes at a very welcoming time when little else is in the garden is ready for harvest.
Rhubarb is the EASIEST Vegetable to Grow ... and the most FRUGAL Food Idea too!
CONTAINER GARDENING - Can Rhubarb be Grown in Containers/Pots?
Most garden centers sell rhubarb plants in early Spring or, in some areas, it is possible to purchase the plants in the Fall.
If you have a neighbour or a friend that grows rhubarb and is willing to share with you, dividing rhubarb plants is easy and it is a very common way to start a rhubarb patch!
For website visitors who cannot find rhubarb plants locally, here (below) is an opportunity to purchase rhubarb online at *Amazon.
Click on the LINKS below for more detailed product information, including the customer reviews of these plants.
Growing Rhubarb is extremely easy and even the smallest home properties can accommodate rhubarb. Rhubarb takes very little care. I can't think of an easier veggie to grow!
Rhubarb yields an abundant harvest which can be stored in the refrigerator for several days or preserved for at least one year by freezing rhubarb, canning rhubarb or drying rhubarb.
Rhubarb is very versatile and can be used for preparing pies, crumbles, pastries, and a host of other breakfasts, brunch, lunch, snack, dinner, or dessert dishes.
Use the navigation bars at this website for hundreds of amazingly easy recipes (with pictures) using rhubarb too!
Is there any veggie as versatile as rhubarb?
If you have a question about growing this veggie that is not found answered in the "rhubarb growing" section of this website, please do contact me and let me know!
I would be happy to help!
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