Wondering if you can store the rhubarb in the refrigerator?
How long can you keep fresh rhubarb in the fridge?
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Just like other fresh vegetables, you can store fresh rhubarb in the fridge for several days after harvesting it.
I recommend that you rinse the rhubarb with cold water, allow it to dry, and then either chop the rhubarb and store it in a sealed container, or wrap the rhubarb stalks tightly in plastic wrap (see images), to keep the rhubarb fresh, and help to prevent it from becoming dry.
I like to chop the rhubarb, and store it in the fridge in measuring cups (see images), making it all ready for the recipe I plan to make with it.
For example, the image below is a 4 cup glass measuring cup filled with rhubarb that I harvested and cut up yesterday.
I've already planned which recipe I am going to make this coming weekend (a rhubarb cake), so I have the rhubarb chopped, measured, and all ready to use!
I also have a 2 cup measuring cup filled with chopped rhubarb ready for another recipe ... all ready to go!
If rhubarb is stored too long in the refrigerator it will begin to get dry, and sometimes the ends begin to "curl".
A little bit of curling of the edges is fine and normal after rhubarb has been refrigerated for a few days.
For gardeners with a large rhubarb patch, and a very large rhubarb harvest, I recommend you use some of the rhubarb fresh, store some in the fridge in measured portions to make a delicious rhubarb bread, muffins, pie, or whatever you wish to make with it, and then freeze the rest.
(If, after storing the rhubarb in the fridge for a few days, you decide that you do not after-all wish to make a recipe with it at that time, you can transfer it to a sealable bag and store it in the freezer.)
Rhubarb is very easy to freeze and can be stored in the freezer for at least one year.
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