This Recipe for Rhubarb Salsa for Fish is a simple recipe for how to prepare rhubarb and fish (I used tilapia fish) for supper.
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What a great idea of a dinner recipe to make with rhubarb!
This very easy rhubarb recipe makes a delicious, savoury rhubarb salsa that really takes the taste buds for a ride!
I made this recipe for the
tilapia, and then made oven roasted potatoes and mini carrots to
complete the menu. My husband and daughter loved it!
Note - You can use fresh or frozen rhubarb for this fish salsa recipe. If you use frozen rhubarb, thaw it in a sieve over a bowl before making the recipe, and discard the excess liquid.
2 1/2 tbsp. olive oil
1 cup (1/2 pound) of chopped rhubarb
1 1/2 tbsp. granulated sugar
1 1/2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1/2 small size red onion, chopped (or white onion)
1/4 tsp. lemon or lime juice
1 tbsp. chopped parsley (fresh or dried)
1/2 tsp. chopped basil (fresh or dried)
pepper, to taste
Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat.
Add the chopped rhubarb, sugar and the chopped onion, and cook until rhubarb and onions are tender.
Stir often to avoid sticking and burning (About 5 - 8 minutes).
Remove the rhubarb mixture from the heat, and stir in the Dijon mustard, lime/lemon juice, parsley, basil, and the pepper (to taste).
Add salsa to prepared tilapia.
Serves 2.
So Yummy! So Healthy! So Easy!
Remove the rhubarb salsa from the skillet.
Season the fish by sprinkling a bit of salt and lemon pepper spice on the tilapia.
Add butter or margarine to the skillet.
On medium heat fry the tilapia for about 5 minutes.
Turn fish over, and fry for about another 5 minutes on the other side.
Add a lid or a large plate to cover the skillet about 3/4 (see picture), after about the first 5 minutes.
Thicker pieces of tilapia will require longer cooking time.
Add warm salsa to fish.
It's fun making unique dinner meals with fish ... and this one is so easy, delicious and healthy!
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Rhubarb Salsa for Fish Recipe
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