Make a Chilled Rhubarb Soup with Fresh Red Raspberries; a great rhubarb appetizer or rhubarb dessert recipe idea!
A fabulous recipe for a Summer Soup! ... everyone enjoys something unique!
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A refreshing cold soup that is sweet tart and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
If you've got fresh rhubarb and you are searching for a "different" dessert idea, here is a recipe just for you!
Or, make this soup as part of the menu before the meal (a cool rhubarb appetizer idea!), and leave out the ice cream.
1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp. granulated sugar, divided
1/2 vanilla bean (seed and pod)
3 cups chopped, fresh rhubarb
4 cups water
1 1/2 cups red raspberries
vanilla ice cream, optional
fresh raspberries, optional
Combine the sugar, vanilla bean, rhubarb and water in a large pan.
Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring often to avoid sticking and burning until the sugar is well dissolved.
Then, reduce heat and simmer, (stirring often), for about 5 - 10 minutes until rhubarb is tender.
Remove from heat, and add the raspberries and the 2 tbsp. sugar (or add sugar amount "to taste" - you may want to add less, or no sugar at all at this step, depending on the sweetness of the mixture).
Allow soup to cool for about 30 minutes.
Gently mash the fruit with the backside of a large spoon.
Strain the soup mixture through a coarse sieve or colander into a large bowl, and discard the solids.
Chill soup for at least 3 hours or up to overnight.
If desired, garnish each serving with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries.
Serves 6.
Enjoy this Refreshing Summer Chilled Soup for a Rhubarb Appetizer or Dessert!
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